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Australian Aboriginal Culture – Use of Fire | Jenolan Caves

Close your eyes and slow your breathing.

Take repeated, deep breaths through the nose collapsing your diaphragm as the inhaled air gently escapes back through your nostrils again.

Let your head drop on your chest and allow yourself to float in the darkness.

Journey quietly into the back of your eyes, where the sight is gone but the mind really sees.

And in this cosmic awareness your ancestors will appear.

Feel their kinship as you focus on their shadows dancing around your mob’s spiritual fire.

The flames caress you and your surrender will allow a deeper immersion into the dreamtime.


Your blood will become richer and thicken, and your veins will widen to permit the pulsing flow.

As your lungs let go of the outside world, time becomes a mortal restriction.

You are now part of a greater good and you are a drop of water in a river of flowing light.

Detachment allows you to witness what has been and as you quietly exhale you will be shown what could be.

No life is written in stone and even stone is eventually worn down by the river into a flat, smooth surface.

This simple freedom grants you the grace to step into the circle of your tribe’s dance.

A global waltz of pure love.

You become aware of the collective movement and see other tribes swaying around many fires.

Like bending reeds, whispering with a gentle sigh.

All at once, the fires explode in a celestial shower of sparks and fly up into the ether.

The stars wink and welcome the approach.

Your elders stop dancing, smiling at your wide-eyed gaze.

‘Welcome back my son. It is time. Here, hold our hands, and together, we will walk into the holy flame.’

Your heart and soul erupt in ecstasy as you embrace the heat.

Heat without pain is a blessing, and the ancient wisdom takes you on a discovery of how to BE.

The mob, hands interlocked, sway around their fire like a ring of river grass moving in an afternoon breeze.

As the crickets and frogs finds voice in a dimming light, the mob’s chant rises with the embers of the ancient fire.

‘Let thy will be done. We come from the red earth, we live but a moment and ascend to the stars. One voice from many tribes. Let thy will be done.’

And that is the truth.

We are many but we are one.

NB – The 1813 crossing of the Blue Mountains in Australia was an expedition led by Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson and William Charles Wentworth, which enabled white settlers to access and use the land west of the mountains for farming and made possible the establishment of Australia’s first inland colonial settlement at Bathurst. When Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson were traversing the ridges of the upper Blue Mountains, from Katoomba to Mount Victoria, they could see the campfires of Aboriginal tribes in the valley below. The fires were a nightly beacon always moving ahead of the white men. The Gundungurra people, avoided the white men like an approaching plague and the next few decades justified their caution. The land was stripped of its natural goodness by the trampling herds and the local tribes were decimated. Today, there are approximately 2,500 Heritage sites associated with the Gundungurra People in the Greater Blue Mountains area. Their spirit fires live in our collective memories.

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