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Stop and Listen

Some days I just have to stop.

Stop and listen.

Put pause between the stimulus and the behaviour.

And search for the silence behind the noise in my mind.

And it is always there when I stop.

So I search for the silence and it smothers the noise and I experience peace.

Blissful peace, and I see freedom of choice.

And that sweet, gentle silence is what I call God.

And I sit quietly in the presence of God, and He catches my breath and I slow down.

My God talks to me and softly says;

‘All will be well my son.’

And I see the face of my wife, and my three sons, and my mum and dad and sisters, and all my ancestors and family – alive and dead.

They are sitting on ancient red earth, under sprawling gum trees.

And they are smiling and they touch me and my anxiety washes and fizzes away.

Like a mountain brook running over shiny, ancient, pockmarked stones.

You are loved.

We are loved.

As long as we just stop.

Need to read more?

Purchase One Day, One Life: One Day One Life

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